Campbell Street to Baxter Avenue

This segment runs from Campbell Street to Baxter Avenue.

About this area

This area includes the transition from dedicated bus lanes back to mixed traffic east of Campbell Street, large scale retail destinations at Barrett and Baxter Avenue intersections and the short and residential segment between these two intersections.

This area is the most confined, with narrow public right-of-way, street trees, utilities and buildings, both historic and new. The land uses are mostly multifamily residential, with some offices and institutions. Traffic volume west of Barret Avenue is very high, while it is relatively low to the east. The Barret and Baxter Avenue intersections pose a major challenge for pedestrian accessibility especially at Baxter Avenue during peak hours.

At the eastern end of Broadway at Baxter Ave, the area continues south via Baxter Avenue and Bardstown Road, ending at the Bashford Manor neighborhood.

Summary of past conceptual work and recommendations (subject to change)

Recommended plans illustrate potential improvements at the two very complicated intersections to improve pedestrian safety and the addition of a public plaza and open space. The proposed Barrett intersection eliminates the slip lane, a lane that allows vehicles to change roads without entering an intersection, for vehicles turning south onto Barrett Avenue. This would dramatically simplify and shorten pedestrian crossing and provide new potential public space. At the Baxter Avenue intersection, a reconfiguration of the intersection would move the Cherokee Road intersection away and allow for a much more traditional intersection. This potential move would reorganize traffic flows, discourage cut through traffic on Cherokee Road and provide new open space opportunities near the Cave Hill National Cemetery entrance.

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